Friday, December 30, 2016

2nd Grade-Gingerbread Houses

2nd Grade students learned about the history of Gingerbread. They looked at many different versions of Gingerbread houses (cabins, houses, churches, castles). Students then created their own gingerbread designs filled with color and patterns! The last step was to add snow using tempera paint!

1st Grade - Jasper Johns Inspired Names

First graders learned about artist Jasper Johns and how he turned ordinary everyday objects into extraordinary pieces of art.

Students learned how to:
fold paper
"fill the space" by writing their names BIG!
use water color paints to create a watercolor resist

SO impressed with the final product!

Winter Break Projects

The days leading up to winter break were filled with fun crafts and projects for my students! Here are a few of the one day projects we did!

5th, 4th, & 3rd Grade Chalk Snow globes!

 Pipe cleaner ornaments!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

2nd Grade Matisse Inspired Collage

2nd Grade students learned about artist Henri Matisse and were inspired by his abstract paper collages. Students learned the difference between geometric shapes and organic shapes. They were encouraged to cut both geometric and organic shapes in order to create a Matisse inspired work of art.

Holiday Giveaway Cards!

All grade levels are taking a break from their art projects to color/decorate holiday cards for the neighborhood surrounding our school! I am very excited to send some warm winter wishes and show the neighborhood our wonderful coloring skills! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

5th Grade Radial Snowflakes

5th Grade students are currently working on Radial Symmetry Snowflakes!